Your career journey will be unique. Discover new paths and resources to help you prepare for a competitive career.

Find out where to start your new career journey or what’s next in line! Industry-level and company-specific career pathways provide a deeper understanding of potential career progressions for students and job seekers. Here you’ll discover high-wage, high-skill, and high-demand jobs, average wages, the path to success, education and training providers, area employers, and more.

Not sure where to start?

Take a career interest assessment

The CareerOneStop Interest Assessment provides insights into your interests and matches them with potential careers. Career interest assessments are designed to help individuals understand their preferences, skills, and values. They offer a structured way to explore career options that align with your interests, making it easier to find a fulfilling and satisfying career.

Explore The blog

Stay ahead in career exploration and workforce development with the blog. Discover expert insights, industry updates, and practical tips designed to support students, educators, professionals, and businesses. Stay informed and inspired.

Building Career Readiness

Educator resources

Frequently asked questions

how do i get started?


It’s easy - Start for free on our website today. Create your profile, explore career industries and pathways on the discover page, and browse latest posts from local businesses!

Do i sign up for a student account or a job seeker account?


If you are a high school student, sign up with a student account. If you are a college student, job seeker out of high school, or individual working part-time or full-time, sign up with a professional account.

how do i create my profile?


Follow the sign up process, verify your email, and fill in basic information about yourself to start building your resume. Build your customized feed by following your favorite businesses and organizations.

what career exploration tools are in the platform?


Start on the discover page, explore each industry and the businesses that work in that industry. Expand into specific career paths and local opportunities in your area!

is this platform an app?


No, is a website that is available on all devices with internet access. For easier access from your home page, go to the website, click "Share", and click "Add to Home Screen".

how do i get started?


It’s easy - Start for free on our website today. Create your profile, share a little bit about yourself, and create your first post!

What is the difference between a free basic plan and a premium plan?


The business basic plan is best for businesses who are not actively seeking to expand their business. This plan allows you to market your company and increase your local reach. A premium business plan is best for businesses looking to build their workforce pipeline. This allows you to showcase every career your business has to offer, what positions are currently hiring, and accept resumes.

what kind of content do i post?

image content is very similar to content you post on any other social media your Business uses, but with Student education in mind. Introduce yourself, your Business, why you chose your profession, what you do in your company everyday, how-to, etc.

what if i don't have any content to post?


Chances are - you do. Check your company’s social media, your website, or storage for photos and videos. Share pictures or videos you’ve already taken with descriptions that will teach Students more about what your Business does.

Why is it important to add tags to posts?


Although students and job seekers can find your profile and content multiple ways in discover, adding tags to your posts and career pathways is the easiest way for other users to find your profile and content.

What account type do i sign up for?


Student accounts are for high school students.
Professional accounts are for job seekers out of high school, college students, or individuals who already have a part-time or full-time job.
Educator accounts are for educators who currently teach in an elementary school, junior high school, high school, or similar academic program for students.
Business/Entity accounts are accounts on behalf of a business or organization.

how long does the sign up process take?


Signing up for an account takes approximately 10 minutes and involved verifying your email address. Plan for additional time to fill out more information about you or your organization that is visible to other on your profile.