Career Exploration & Workforce Recruitment in Lincoln, NE

Connecting students and job seekers with career and education opportunities, while providing businesses with a talent pool of prepared and motivated professionals. partnered with Lincoln, NE to showcase local industry career pathways. These resources can be used by students, job seekers and professionals who want to map out the steps to accomplish their career journey goals.
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Not sure where to start?

Take a career interest assessment

The CareerOneStop Interest Assessment provides insights into your interests and matches them with potential careers. Career interest assessments are designed to help individuals understand their preferences, skills, and values. They offer a structured way to explore career options that align with your interests, making it easier to find a fulfilling and satisfying career.

explore industry pathways

Build your Career Readiness

career readiness resources

Whether you're preparing for your first job or advancing your career, this collection offers expert advice and resources on career readiness, job search, internships, and support for specific workforce demographics like new Americans.

want individualized guidance?

connect with an employment coach

Many local organizations offer personalized support to students and job seekers as they explore and pursue career opportunities. With so many options available, it can sometimes feel overwhelming, or you might worry about overlooking something important. But you don’t have to navigate your career journey by yourself! Use this resource to connect with employment support today.