Many local organizations offer personalized support to students and job seekers as they explore and pursue career opportunities. With so many options available, it can sometimes feel overwhelming, or you might worry about overlooking something important. But you don’t have to navigate your career journey by yourself! Use this resource to connect with employment support today.
Organizations with information included below:
1. American Job Center of Lancaster and Saunders Counties (AJC)
2. Center for People
3. Nebraska Department of Labor
1. American Job Center of Lancaster and Saunders Counties (AJC)
Address: 1330 N Street, Suite A, Lincoln, NE 68508
Primary Contact for Job Seekers:, 402-441-1640
How to Connect: Call, Email, Walk-ins are welcome. AJC is co-located with the Nebraska Department of Labor.
Services Provided
We help job seekers. If you want to get back to work, find a better job, change careers, or enter the workforce for the first time, we can help. Our services encompass the entire job spectrum, including support for work-related needs. Resume creation. Filing for unemployment. Training for a new career. Transportation. Childcare. Uniforms. And much more. We help employers with their workforce needs, including hiring assistance, internships, and employee training. The American Job Center is publicly funded and administered by the City of Lincoln, in partnership with other government, industry, and non-profit groups. We coordinate services to over 20 work-related programs. The majority of our funding comes from the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act.
• Career counseling and planning
• Resume, cover letter, and interview preparation assistance
• Job and/or training program search assistance
• Training programs
• Financial assistance for training programs
• Wrap-around supportive services
The AJC funds paid internships, registered apprenticeships, and classroom training. We also provide supportive services to jobs seekers that are participating in a training program. Supportive services can include: transportation, uniforms, childcare, tools, and more.
Here is a list of programs we fund:
Who is Eligible for Services
• Adults
• Youth
• Students
• Veterans
• Individuals with disabilities
• Justice-involved individuals
• New Americans
• Low-income individuals and families
2. Center for People
Address: 3901 N 27th Street, Lincoln NE
Primary Contact for Job Seekers: Alex Bedore, Workforce Development Manager 402-473-3029
How to Connect: Check out our website or call our main number at 402-476-4356 and ask to speak to a workforce development specialist. Monday through Thursday please call to schedule an appointment; walk-ins are welcome on Fridays from 9am-12pm!
Services Provided
We provide support with resume and cover letter creation, mock interview practice, computer access, and1:1 career connection support.
• Career counseling and planning
• Resume, cover letter, and interview preparation assistance
• Job and/or training program search assistance
• Training programs
• Wrap-around supportive services
All of our job training programs are at no cost to our community. We offer a high-school diploma program for individuals as well as a POP Scholarship program if an individual is interested in obtaining an associate’s degree. We offer 5 different Career Pathways, where individuals can use our computer lab to earn their certifications. Center for People also offers our People's Pantry, which is the heart of our weekly food distribution program, as well as monthly diaper assistance for children younger than 3 years old.
Who is Eligible for Services
• Adults
• Youth
• Students
• Veterans
• Individuals with disabilities
• Justice-involved individuals
• New Americans
• Low-income individuals and families
3. Nebraska Department of Labor
Website: &
Address: 1330 N Street Lincoln, NE 68508
Primary Contact for Job Seekers: NDOL Switchboard: 402-471-9000 / AJC: 402-441-1640
How to Connect: The Nebraska Department of Labor is co-located with the American Job Center (AJC)(above). Come downtown to the AJC in-person or call AJC to discuss the programs and services available. Walk-ins are welcome.
Services Provided
The American Job Center is publicly funded and administered by the City of Lincoln and Nebraska Department of Labor in partnership with other government, industry, and non-profit groups. We coordinate services including resume writing, job search assistance, case management and so much more! We also have a computer lab which is open to the public for job search and job application services.
• Career counseling and planning
• Resume, cover letter, and interview preparation assistance
• Job and/or training program search assistance
Specifically tailored services are available to military veterans, youth and dislocated workers
Who is Eligible for Services
• Adults
• Youth
• Students
• Veterans
• Everyone is eligible to receive basic services including computer availability for job search and filing unemployment claims