
According to the National Association of Colleges and Employers, career readiness is the foundation upon which a successful career is launched. Career readiness is, quite simply, the new career currency. There are eight career readiness competencies, each of which can be demonstrated in a variety of ways.

Build and maintain collaborative relationships to work effectively toward common goals, whileappreciating diverse viewpoints and shared responsibilities.

Sample Behaviors:
• Listen carefully to others, taking time to understand and ask appropriate questions without interrupting.
• Effectively manage conflict, interact with and respect diverse personalities, and meet ambiguity with resilience.
• Be accountable for individual and team responsibilities and deliverables.
• Employ personal strengths, knowledge, and talents to complement those of others.
• Exercise the ability to compromise and be agile.
• Collaborate with others to achieve common goals.
• Build strong, positive working relationships with supervisor and team members/coworkers.

Reprinted courtesy of the National Association of Colleges and Employers