Career fairs are valuable tools for students to explore career options, but physical limitations can restrict how many industries and businesses they get to experience. offers a virtual solution, allowing businesses to share career pathways, job openings, and company cultures with students and job seekers from any location.

A great example of this is the Career Cabs event by Career Connections of Western Nebraska, where students physically tour local businesses. At the end of the day, they spend time exploring to discover additional companies and industries that weren’t on the physical tour. This digital component enhances their career exploration, providing a broader view of available opportunities. Read more about this event and how it is structured: Career Connections Of Western Nebraska Expands Its Career Cabs Event In Its Second Year (

For other communities and schools, can be an excellent virtual extension of any career or job fair. It allows students to access information before, during, or after events, ensuring they have a comprehensive understanding of the industries in their area. Businesses can upload interactive content like videos and career paths, making the platform a dynamic and engaging tool for recruitment and career exploration.

Additionally, simplifies the process for businesses to participate in these events. Setting up a profile is easy, and they can upload videos, images, and descriptions to showcase career opportunities and pathways. Businesses can highlight available positions, internship programs, and future growth areas to attract and engage the right candidates.

By using, schools can ensure that all students—regardless of their ability to attend an event—can engage with local businesses and industries. This makes career fairs more inclusive and far-reaching, connecting students with more opportunities than ever before.