Join us for Lunch & Learns

Join us to learn more about how employers, training providers, and community organizations can engage with students and job seekers on!

Lincoln Public Schools are back in session starting on August 12th and students will begin creating their accounts very soon. Now is the best time to set up your account, upload content and create your career pathways. helps businesses, students, and job seekers connect in new ways. The platform provides:

·     Engaging videos and photos that highlight a wide range of career opportunities and help learners and job seekers explore potential careers

·     A social experience providing connections with other professionals and local leaders

·     Industry-level and business-specific career pathways

·     Detailed high-wage, high-skill, high-demand occupations

·     Career readiness resources...and more!

Bo Jones, Founder and CEO of, and Allison Hatch, Director of Workforce Development at the Lincoln Partnership for Economic Development, will demonstrate and provide best practices for employers, training providers, and community organizations. Feel free to bring your laptop with you to follow along on your own device.

Thursday, August 15th | 12:00pm - 1:00pm

In-Person at Lincoln Chamber or virtual through Zoom


Tuesday, August 20th | 12:00pm - 1:00pm

In-Person at Lincoln Chamber or virtual through Zoom

Register for In-Person Lunch & Learns

Register for Zoom on August 15th

Register for Zoom on August 20th

Questions? Reach out to Allison at